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Online Phlebotomy Course

Phlebotomy Technician Estimated Time of Completion

Estimated Length of program:
3-4 months, self-paced

Phlebotomy Technician Certification Results

The Phlebotomy Technician program is offered fully online and does not include the live skills practice (experience) opportunities required to obtain certification as a phlebotomist, which most employers require. Students are responsible for researching certification and/or licensure requirements and securing appropriate experience opportunities.
USCI’s CPT Exam pass rate is 90% vs. 78% National Average.*

Phlebotomy Technician Program Goals

Program Goal:
To prepare students to gain entry-level employment as a Phlebotomist.

Program Outcomes

Graduates of this course will learn the necessary skills to professionally perform duties of the phlebotomist. The course trains students regarding the role of phlebotomy technicians in laboratory testing and patient care. Basic medical terminology and terminology related to phlebotomy will be explored, and details of blood components and group systems will be explained. Students will examine phlebotomy-related vascular anatomy and the cardiovascular system. After exploring documentation and reporting requirements, students will discover the importance of professionalism and communication.

Lance Elmore Instructor

Phlebotomy Technician Program Instructor/Course Expert

Lance Elmore, CMA, EMT-B,n

At U.S. Career Institute, our dedicated team of course experts, instructors and instructor assistants are committed to developing and delivering high-quality curriculum. Our qualified Phlebotomy Technician Technician instructor Lance Elmore, not only possesses extensive qualifications but has also actively worked in the field. This firsthand experience allows him to provide invaluable support to ensure the success of our aspiring Phlebotomy Technician students.

Upon completion of this course, graduates will be trained to:

  • Describe the role of phlebotomy technicians in laboratory testing and patient care.
  • Explain basic medical terminology and terminology related to phlebotomy.
  • Define blood components (serum, plasma, whole blood, RBC, WBC, platelets) and blood group systems (A, B, AB, O, Rh).
  • Explore phlebotomy-related vascular anatomy and the cardiovascular system.
  • Apply documentation and reporting requirements.
  • Describe the importance of professionalism and communication in the healthcare field and apply ethical standards applicable to the practice of phlebotomy.
Online Phlebotomy Technician school training outcomes


Instruction Pack I: Introduction to the World of the Phlebotomy

Instruction Pack I introduces students to the phlebotomy field. Students are introduced healthcare, including information about medical insurance, records and medical terminology.

Instruction Pack II: Anatomy, Ethics and Interpersonal Skills

Instruction Pack II continues to build a strong foundation for a phlebotomy technician career. Students explore body systems, anatomy, pathology, ethics and legal issues. The pack concludes with interpersonal skills so students can improve interactions with patients and co-workers.

Instruction Pack III: Fundamental Phlebotomy Skills

Instruction Pack III introduces students to first aid procedures, explains vital signs and covers safety in the medical office. The pack concludes with in-depth information on patient preparation, laboratory equipment and supplies.

Instruction Pack IV: Blood, Laboratory Tests and Processing

Pack IV dives into blood testing, discusses how to draw blood and reviews laboratory tests. You’ll also explore how to process specimens and learn about special collections. The pack concludes with a realworld practicum that puts your course knowledge to use.

Get started today!

Or call toll-free 866.250.6851 to learn more.

†Provided in form of reimbursement when the following terms are met: Student submits receipt issued by NHA, has successfully completed the course and has paid tuition in full. Reimbursement is for up to $213 towards the cost of the CPT Certification exam, practice test and study materials. Please note that you are responsible and required to show evidence that you have performed a minimum of 30 successful venipunctures and 10 successful capillary or finger sticks. These sticks must be performed on live individuals. You are responsible for gaining this experience - USCI does NOT provide this live skill experience. NHA will require documentation of these venipunctures and capillary/finger sticks before issuing a certification.
*PB source: NHA Analytics - 2024 - 90% CPT exam pass rate (national average 78%). Date of NHA analytic summary report: January 23, 2025.