U.S. Career Institute's parent company, Weston Distance Learning, encourages employee involvement in community service and philanthropy. Our school is also focused on creating healthier, safer, and stronger communities in which all people can enjoy living.
The people who work hard to make your educational experience a positive one are also out in the community volunteering their time to encourage community involvement, engagement, and support.
To further promote community involvement, employees are given eight hours of paid leave per calendar year for volunteer work.
As they do each year, our wonderful employees spent time volunteering in the community by helping out local organizations like their schools, hospitals, churches, and other charitable settings. Here are just a few examples of where they spent their time:
- Slammin’ Famine is the Northern Colorado Mobile-Pack event that helps Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), a nonprofit hunger relief organization. This event provides the opportunity for groups and individuals to volunteer and pack thousands of nutritionally complete meals that will help save the lives of malnourished children around the world.
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention AFSP’s mission is to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide. We create a culture that’s smart about mental health through education and community programs, develop suicide prevention through research and advocacy, and provide support for those affected by suicide. The Overnight - Out of the Darkness Walk, AFSP's flagship event to raise awareness and funds, is a challenging endurance walk from dusk to dawn that rotates cities each year.
- The Temple Grandin Equine Center at Colorado State University not only offers equine science classes, equine therapy programs and horse rescue programs, but also supports research related to equine-assisted occupational therapy to children with autism.
- The Farm at Lee Martinez Park serves as an educational and interactive experience for Fort Collins residents and visitors. A visit to The Farm is an adventure for all ages to learn more about the industry that shaped this region, have interactive, hands-on farm fun, and gain insight into agriculture and farm life while visiting.
- Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps build and improve places to call home. Habitat works together with families, local communities, volunteers, and partners from around the world so that more people can live in affordable and safe homes. Their advocacy efforts focus on policy reform to remove systemic barriers to adequate, affordable shelter. Habitat's mission reads: Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Their vision is for a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
In December of 2024, some of our employees spent a day volunteering on a construction site with Habitat for Humanity of Fort Collins, CO, helping families build safe homes.

- Focused on helping people, children, and families in need, employees supported UNICEF, Red Cross, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, The ARC of Colorado, Charity Water, Public Broadcasting System, United Negro College Fund, Habitat for Humanity, Boys Town Nebraska (Father Flanigan's), NAMI.org, OURrescue.org, and Savethechildren.org.
- They also helped animals in need by supporting PETA, the ASPCA, Humane Society of the US, Greenville Humane Society, PetSmart Charities, Barn Sanctuary, and Iheartdogs.com.
- Volunteering at their local schools, hospitals, churches, they made a huge impact:
- As a judge for a local speech and debate tournament for the National Speech and Debate Association.
- As a gift wrapper for the Forgotten Children’s Fund during the holidays.
- As a Wild West Relay volunteer to raise money for Windsor Gives, who provides schools with free kids' fun runs, athletic scholarships for individuals to run races, and free virtual or in-person events like challenges, fun runs, and educational seminars. Windsor Gives also gives back to other local nonprofits that also make a positive impact.
- As chairman of their elementary school's book fair event that raised 7,500 which goes straight to the elementary library for books, library shelves, furniture, and more.
- Employees volunteered in our community this year spending time helping out at various local organizations like their schools, hospitals, churches, and other charitable settings.
- They donated to non-profits like the Larimer County Foodbank - a private non-profit organization and the only Feeding America clearinghouse for donated food in our county, Goodwill of Colorado – whose mission is to help people overcome barriers to economic and personal independence through education, training and job placement, and Arc Thrift Stores - one of Colorado’s largest employers of people with Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, and many other intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- They supported the Farm at Lee Martinez Park which serves as an educational and interactive experience for Fort Collins residents and visitors.
- One of the programs we’d like to highlight is Realities for Children – KindConnect is a Realities For Children program intended to be the connection of kindness between the item needs of children who have been abused, neglected or are at-risk, with community members in Northern Colorado that have these items. This platform allows caseworkers and staff of Realties For Children’s Partner Agencies to connect real-time needs to those interested in helping the children and families they provide for.
- Throughout the year employees volunteered at various organizations in our community. They spent their time helping out at local schools and churches, in classrooms and on field trips, as well as coaching sports teams and participating in local 5ks and triathlons to help raise money for organizations like the Larimer Humane Society.
- They donated to many organizations big and small, local and national, like the Larimer County Rescue mission, the Salvation Army, Northern Colorado Wildlife, Colorado Special Olympics, Wounded Warriors, Food Bank of the Rockies, the Humane Society, the Larimer County Food Bank, United Methodist Center for Relief, and Habitat for Humanity; just to name a few.
- They also participated in Toys for Tots’ holiday toy drive to gather items to donate and fulfill children’s’ wish lists at Christmas time. An important tradition that helps create and enhance self-esteem and deliver a message of hope.
- They even got their hands dirty with WWOOF - Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, USA – part of a worldwide effort to link visitors with organic farmers, promote educational exchange, and build a global community conscious of ecological farming practices.
This year was a little different for all of us. Keeping health and safety a top priority, our 2020 volunteer efforts focused on “distance” volunteer opportunities and monetary donations:
- Service-to-Go Kits - assembled at home then brought to a United Way donation drop. These kits provide meaningful resources for individuals, families, and children in need. Basic needs are vital to individuals with chronic conditions and for children and families in crisis needing temporary support.
- Project Linus - a non-profit organization that provides new handmade blankets to children in need. Blankets are lovingly made by adults and children from all walks of life and many different sources.
- Monetary donation to United Way of Larimer County Community Emergency Response Fund which allows UW to respond to emergency needs as a result of the Cameron Peak Fire and prepare for future potential flooding in the area. In addition, the Fund will continue to support both immediate and longer-term needs resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.
- Monetary donation to the Boys & Girls Club of Larimer County which depends on community support in order to complete their mission of providing a safe environment for youth to shine; through excellent programs, free meals and a place to call home.
- Employees also served their local churches, schools and neighborhoods in various ways.
- Employees spent their time helping out at local schools, in classrooms and on fieldtrips.
- Volunteering at Tax Help Colorado - a free tax service for families and individuals in need.
- They assisted with prevention supplies at the Northern Colorado Health Network – an organization that provides compassionate care to individuals & families affected by HIV and other health conditions.
- They raised money for The Matthews House - a non-profit organization focused on helping youth and families disrupt the cycle of poverty and abuse; as well as spent time there helping with decorating, food, and entertainment for the youth birthdays.
- Participated in the Fall Equinox race down the Poudre Canyon - Equinox is a proud supporter of the local community. The event is proud to donate proceeds from the race to these groups to support them in their work, charitable cause, passions, and growth! Poudre Canyon Volunteer Fire Department, Lower Poudre Canyon Association, Save the Poudre: Poudre Water Keepers, Fort Collins High School Cross Country Team, Poudre High School Cross Country Team, Rocky Mountain High School Cross Country Team, Severance High School Cross Country Team, Book Trust, Colorado State University Zero Waste Team.
- Volunteered at the Wild West Relay, a 24-hour/200 mile relay race from Fort Collins to Steamboat Springs to raise money for participating local non-profit organizations.
- For the month of November employees held a company-wide donation drive to collect supplies and holiday gifts for Crossroads Safehouse. Crossroads offers free safehousing, advocacy, legal assistance, transitional housing, and education to abused adults and their children. They provide assistance to thousands of people in our community every year. A large part of their operation costs are fulfilled by donations and donated goods. On December 4th, Colorado Gives Day, we were able to donate almost 400 items.
- In December, in addition to November’s drive for supplies, employees also donated their time to assist with Crossroads’ Annual Holiday Gift Shop - helping families to ‘shop’ for each other and take part in the spirit of the holidays.
- Throughout the year employees volunteered at various organizations in our community. They spent their time helping out at local schools/churches. They assisted onsite with prevention supplies at the Northern Colorado Health Network – an organization that provides compassionate care to individuals & families affected by HIV and other health conditions. They also helped raise money for local charities, including The Matthews House - a non-profit organization focused on helping youth and families disrupt the cycle of poverty and abuse.
- Our biggest volunteer accomplishment took place in November. We held an employee-led initiative to gather donations for the Poudre River Friends of the Library. This effort lasted 4 weeks and produced 281 books for donation. The Poudre River Friends of the Library collects used books – some go directly to the Library for use, while the others are sold and the funds are used to support various literacy programs in Fort Collins.
- In December, employees volunteered their time at the Northern Colorado Aids Project (NCAP) - Fort Collins, in the Prevention and Case Management Departments. They spent their time organizing the food bank and preparing hygiene supplies.
- Throughout employees volunteered at their local Elementary Schools helping in various ways. Some chose to spend the time in their children’s classrooms, while others helped the school as a whole.
- Employees also donated their time to Meals on Wheels, helping people who are unable to leave their house or access food.
- In December, a group of employees volunteered at the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program, helping families in need during the holiday season. Volunteers sorted and distributed clothing, toys, bikes, food and gift cards. This effort helped assist 270 families and 1,092 individuals.
- USCI held a blood drive, 20 employees gave 15 pints of blood. This effort directly impacts the lives of 30 people needing blood.
- In November, USCI had a month of giving, supporting several volunteer projects and holding a food drive. We collected 223 food items and $80 for the local food bank. Employees who participated by bringing in donations or volunteering each placed a leaf on our “Tree of Giving.”
- Our company as a whole donated 242 children's books for a Colorado Business Reads book drive. U.S. Career Institute also donated $250 to the Colorado Business Reads Program.
- USCI employees volunteered their time distributing gifts at a local Salvation Army 'toy store' during the holidays.
- In December, employees donated toys for families in need to the Salvation Army.
- Breast Cancer Awareness: iPad mini raffle donation and internal staff fundraising
- Northern Colorado Flood of 2013: employees organized fundraiser activity to support those affected
- School Is Cool: fundraising to buy backpacks and fill with supplies for 30 children
- National Volunteer month: Weston employees created hygiene kits for the local homeless shelter
- Project Self Sufficiency: Weston employees donated board games for children to use at functions for this local single parenting organization.
- Crossroads Safehouse: staff coordinated gift donations to support this shelter for victims of domestic violence, so children could 'shop' for parent holiday gifts
- United Way Business Cares Program: partnership to promote volunteerism in our organization, as well as raising $3,755 to benefit Larimer County projects.Read more...
- Partners Mentoring Youth: staff participated in the run/walk 5k St. Patty's Day 'Sharin' o' the Green 5k', which benefitted the Partners Mentoring Youth.
- Relay for Life team: our team raised over $1,500 for cancer research and awareness! Read more...
- United Ways Make a Difference Day campaign: 12 employees volunteered for various projects for local nonprofit organizations.
- Partners Mentoring Youth: Throughout the holiday season, we held a fundraisers for a local organization that helps at-risk youth.
- For the month of November, we helped the homeless by holding a donation drive for breakfast snack bags that are handed out at the local homeless shelter, contributing a final count of 250 breakfasts donated.
- Started Weston Gives United Way campaign, allowing employees to donate to United Way and local nonprofit organizations through automatic payroll deductions.
- We had a food drive in July and had over 300 lbs of food donated to the Larimer County Food Bank.
Where U.S. Career Institute helped in 2011:
- Relay for Life
- Northside Atzlan Community Center
- Larimer County Food Bank
- Homeless Gear
- Volunteers of America
- Fort Collins Natural Areas
- Fort Collins Read Aloud
- The Farm at Lee Martinez Park
- Partners Mentoring Youth
Biggest Volunteer Accomplishments in 2010:- 12 employees helped do yard work for Respite Care.
- Employees helped decorate cookies with the elderly at an assisted living community,
- 12 employees painted pumpkins for the Women's Resource Center 'Boo Ball'.
- Employees helped with the 'Cans Around the Oval' project for the Larimer County Food Bank.
Where U.S. Career Institute helped in 2010:
- Cub Scouts
- Salvation Army
- Character Fort Collins
- Relay for Life
- Respite Care
- Little League
- Northside Atzlan Community Center
- Larimer County Food Bank
- Homeless Gear
- Women's Resource Center
- Volunteers of America
- Two teams of ten employees each participated in the SuperStar Sports Challenge this year, benefiting Partners Mentoring Youth, and raised a total of $1,685.
- Thirteen employees participated in Relay for Life and raised a total of $2,100, of which $500 was a company match.
- Fifty-five employees participated in the Support Our Troops campaign, sending a total of 64 care packages to troops in Afghanistan
Where U.S. Career Institute helped in 2009:
- Partners Mentoring Youth through SuperStar Sports Challenge
- American Cancer Society through Relay for Life
- Support our Troops Drive
- Salvation Army
- Secret Santa's for the Elderly at Clarebridge Assisted Living Facility
- Crossroads Safehouse
- Girl/Boy Scouts