By: Katelyn Fahrenbruck Weston
When choosing an online high school program, it's important to make sure the school you go to is accredited. Going to an accredited school means you'll get a good education and a diploma that's valued by employers and colleges. If you attend a non-accredited school, there's no way to know the value of the education that school provides.
When students attend high school online, "accredited" means that the school reaches a high academic standard. Several independent organizations approve schools. They review schools to make sure that the quality of the education they offer meets the standards of the organization. When you get your diploma from a school accredited by and accrediting organization, like DEAC, you can feel confident that you'll be getting the same quality of education that you would at a traditional public school. It's very important to ask, "Is an online high school diploma accredited?" to make sure that you're using your time and money wisely.
Yes, online high school diplomas issued by accredited schools are accepted by colleges. A diploma from an accredited school shows college admissions officers that you are on a level footing with other applicants and ready to take college-level classes. Make sure that your online high school is accredited so that you can feel confident when you apply to colleges.
USCI is accredited by DECA (Distance Education Accrediting Commission). To find if a school is accredited, there are three ways to find out if online high school programs are accredited:
If you're thinking of enrolling in a program to finish high school online, accredited schools should be on the top of your list. If a school isn't accredited, you have no way of knowing whether the diploma you earn will be one you'll be able to use to get a job or apply to college. To make the smartest use of your time and money, choose an accredited school.