Top Five Homeschooling Tips
By: Katelyn Fahrenbruck Weston
March 2023
Homeschooling may seem daunting, but with a little bit of preparation, you may just realize it’s the right option for you or your student! We’ve put together a list of the top five most valuable tips and tricks to set you up for success. These fast facts may not get you all the way ready to homeschool, but they’ll get you started on ways to chart your own best path through homeschool.
Homeschool can be an option for you or your student at any age and these tips can be relevant at any point in your homeschool journey! However, creating a good rhythm and system for homeschooling makes the biggest impact in high school. We’ve catered our tips to those looking to find a high school diploma, older students, or students who are too busy for a typical classroom environment.

Homeschool Top Tips
Create Personalized Goals
One of the biggest advantages to homeschooling is that everything can be tailored to the student’s needs. Without the usual school environment, students can learn and succeed in any way they need.
Take advantage of this by creating goals that would be impossible in a classroom! Finish classes or subjects quickly, leave space in your day-to-day schedule for internships or apprenticeships, or finish your high school diploma in months, not years! If you want to take history class and train for a marathon at the same time, you can do that!
Use all of the Resources Available to You
Homeschooling can feel intimidating or lonely, but doesn’t have to! With homeschool becoming more and more common, there are many resources available to both students and their parents or guardians.
From programs that are completely online to pre-made curriculum that covers all the subjects you’ll need, you have options that can make homeschooling easier! Whatever you need, there will be a resource you have access to. Some state and local public school systems even have an online program that will help kickstart your learning journey. There are also homeschool tutors, subject experts, and teachers who can help fill in any educational gaps.
Set a Schedule that Leaves Room for Sports, Hobbies, or Passions
You chose homeschool for a reason! Whether it’s because you or your student didn’t thrive in a traditional school setting, or you have a busy schedule to maintain, setting your own schedule is a huge benefit to being homeschooled.
If you participate competitively in sports, have a family or a job, or just want to leave time for the things you’re passionate about, homeschooling makes anything possible.
Need to have afternoons open for basketball, ice skating, horseback riding, or an internship at the local veterinarian’s office? You bet! Being homeschooled means taking the time for whatever comes up in your life. A traditional high school would never allow for the accommodations you can make as a homeschooled student.
Become an Expert in the Necessary Technology
One thing people may find intimidating about homeschooling is how much you’ll need to feel comfortable using a variety of technology! However, learning to use things like computers, printers, and other tech will not only make you a better student, it will make you a better employee! Knowing to use the technology will serve you as a student and well beyond.
There are resources to help you learn how to set up, use, and troubleshoot laptops, tablets, printers, etc. Use those resources before you even begin taking classes to set yourself up for success!
Know the Subjects, Test, and Paperwork Your State Requires
Did you know that all 50 states require different achievement tests, paperwork, required subjects, and reports to be completed for a student to be homeschooled? That’s right - no two states are identical! They can range from very minimal oversight to more complex procedures to ensure that homeschooled students are left behind their public-or-charter-schooled peers.
Do you feel like homeschool may be the best option for you? If you or your student haven’t thrived in a traditional school setting, you’ll love the flexibility available to you through the various kinds of homeschool. Still not sure where to start? USCI's online high school program is designed to encourage students to focus their time on their areas of interest. You can be successful and receive a high school diploma!